Analysing Resistance to Change

Resistance to change is a normal part of the change process and is inevitable and unavoidable.

So what you need to do is find out where this resistance is and work out ways to overcome it. Resistance to change takes many forms. So you need to analyse each case to work out the type of resistance being shown and work with it, reduce it and get that person or group committed to the project.

Fortunately, Richard Beckhard and Reuben T. Harris came up with a formula in the 1980s to help with this analysis. I explain exactly how it works in the video above ☝️

This formula helps us to see what needs to be done for the change initiative to be successful. And from this, we can start to work on the narrower problem areas we've identified.

Have a look at the video, I've found the formula very useful. One way to use it is to gather peoples impressions of each of the variables in the formula across a wide audience of all possible interested parties. You can then group the results and see the areas of the organisation which are most likely to resist change, so you can work with them to identify issues and talk about concerns.

Let me know in the video comments how you get on with it.